What you are seeing and will be seeing right now are my new line of blessing sc: first in line is my 1 GB USB flash drive courtesy of GLOBE Telecoms My hubby Pasti got this during the raffle draw in the MBS2 (Mindanao Bloggers Summit) he already has his own so he gave this to me. It's metal plate is magnetized. I was secretly praying for it when they called Daddys name hehehe c: Galing talaga ni Lord no! This is one of the major prizes kasi c: The pen was given away by Google to Blogger users c:

and I got the bag from Globe also c:

plus the Sashimi which was prepared in front of the bloggers
(Yum, yum,yum....) c:
courtesy of the Family Country Hotel

all these before dinner c:

and to top it all my very own domain surprised to me by my sweet hubby c: Pastilan c:
a pre BDay present hahaha c:
check out my other blog

Thank You Lord for the friends to share it with c:
Labels: new blessings
I have been rounding my friends while dropping my EC's when I stumbled upon this couple who works perfectly together c: One a researcher and this is Shengmarie the other is a Professional Photographer and this is Kyawster.
They have works that fascinated me and that is why I chose them to be my Kreativ and Coolest Bloggers.
This Poem was writen by Sheng
and the Photos were done by his hubby Kyawster.
dear God,
i thank You for these beauties that i see.
they sure reflect your love and goodness to me.
i thank You because, in them i feel
the deepest joy and it is real.
i am amazed at the beauty that surrounds
thinking that You are just always around.
let me be enlightened by the truth,
that with you, i must only trust and root.

Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.
~Henry Beecher

People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.
~Iris Murdoch

our family dreams of making a garden full of different flowers c:
Tis my faith that every flower
Enjoys the air it breathes!
~William Wordsworth
Labels: macro shots, wonderful flowers
Beads, semi precious stones, safety pins, buttons and this aluminum opener in canned drinks stitched in a bag c:
These awards have long been delayed and am really so sorry guys for posting it soooooo... late c:
Well Thank You so much from the bottom of my heart for the people who have become my friends and the reason is by passing these awards around our circle of friendships hehehe c: My heartfelt Thanx to all of you c:

And a creative blog award from Pchi and my newest friend Maicel c:

THANX ssssoooo much guys for sharing these award with me c: My heartfelt gratitude c:
Now, I'm breaking the cycle because my circle of friends had already received this awards, am passing these 2 awards (Butterfly Award and Kreativ Blogger) to my new found friends namely:
Kyawster and Shengmarie - my new tandem friends, one photo shoots the other researches c: (cool pair you are)
Here's another blessing to be thankful for c: This is also in relation to the post below about the "Think Twice" post.
No matter how small it's a blessing dear c:
Labels: blessings
I stumbled upon this post at E-mails @Cindy's World, I was touched by the message and I want to help spread it. I asked permission from Cindy to grab her post and have it here in my blog.

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

If you think you don't have many friends

When you feel like giving up, think of this man

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes
Things are worse for others and is a lot better for us
There are many things in your life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart.... pursue those...

Are you still complaining?
Observe around you and be thankful for all
that you have in this transitory lifetime...
Labels: thoughts
Your Surfing Habits are 70% Female, 30% Male |
If we had to guess, we would guess you are a woman. You use the internet to keep up with friends and family. You are likely to get online to communicate and share information. You are also to research things that directly effect your life, like health and travel. |
Definitely true for me c: Once again thanx to Berry for this c:
Labels: personality, Surfing habits