What you need:
1/2 kilo canton noodles (egg noodles)
300 grams sotanghon noodles ( bean thread noodles)
1/4 kilo chicken breast
1/2 kilo lean pork
1/2 kilo shrimps
4 pieces Chorizo bilbao (or Chinese sausage)
5 cloves garlic, crushed
1 medium onion, sliced
1 medium red pepper, sliced
1 medium green pepper, sliced
1 cup brocolli heads
1 cup cauliflower heads
1/2 cup carrots, jullienned
1/2 cup snow peas
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1/2 cup tenga ng daga (dried wood ear mushroom), chopped
4 tablespoons soy sauce, divided
2 tablespoons cane vinegar
4 tablespoons cooking oil
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup sliced spring onions for garnishing (optional)
What to do:
1. Boil the chicken breast in 2 cups of water with a dash of salt, and shred (or slice into 1/2-inch strips).
2. Set aside the broth for use later. Meanwhile, marinate the pork in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and cane vinegar. Let stand for at least 10 minutes, then slice into 1/2-inch strips.
3. Slice the chorizo. Place it in a frying pan on medium heat until cooked in its own oil, turning occasionally. (Do not add any cooking oil to the chorizo.) Once cooked, set aside.
4. Peel the shrimps and fry in cooking oil until pink. Once cooked, take the shrimp out of the pan using a slotted spoon. Cut into small pieces and set aside. Do not throw the oil away. (You may also want to set aside a few pieces of whole shrimp for garnishing).
5. Saute the garlic and onions on medium heat in the oil used for frying the shrimp.
6. Add the chicken and the pork, and saute for 5 minutes. Add the green and red peppers, brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, snow peas, and cabbage. Saute for another 5 minutes.
7. Add one cup of the chicken broth that you had earlier set aside. Make sure you use enough broth to cover your meat-and-veggies mixture. Add 2 tablespoons s of soy sauce and 1 teaspoon of brown sugar. Mix together, and boil for 10 minutes.
8. While waiting for the broth to boil, soak the sotanghon and cut according to your desired size. In a separate container, soak the mushrooms and then chop coarsely.
9. Once the broth has boiled, add the sotanghon and the mushrooms, and mix thoroughly.
10. Add the canton noodles, mix for another 10 – 15 minutes, until the canton noodles are soft. By this time, most of the broth should have dried up (or more precisely, they’ve been absorbed by the noodles).
11. Add a dash or so of soy sauce to taste. Do not use salt!
12. Add the fried chorizo pieces and ground black pepper, and mix for another 5 minutes.
13. Garnish with spring onions, and serve with calamansi (Philippine lemon), or lemon.
Makes 8-12 servings
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Face the World with a Smile :)

Face the World with a Smile :)

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- iceah
- General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines
- A mom with a 3yr-old, long haired and cute smiling little boy. A wife to an art addict and a computer wiz hehe c: I want to share in this blog the amazing things, events and anything that amazes me in my life. I chose this name because this site will be filled with things that makes me say wow and I hope people who will read it will feel the same way too.I chose this expression because we often have a second look when we see people with great legs.My best friend thinks I have great legs, and that's another reason why I chose it. He also explained to me that a woman's legs could have a personality of their own and that it is possible to read a woman by the way her legs behave.Because of that he married me :p hehe. Feel free to comment on each post that interests you.