Here's how Google describes pagerank :
"PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to make other pages "important".
My other blog, Pinay Chicken Heart is also PR2 now, it is around four months old.
I am also happy to learn that my friends in the blogosphere got their PR also in Google's latest PR update. The Single Parent Talks, which is barely a month old is now PR1. Wow!
Opinion Pinoy is now PR3. Cheers!
Choco's Life, which is also barely a month old is now PR1. (Berry's Tsinay Blog got ranked earlier)
And of course my husband's three blogs got ranked also :
My Freedom Wall with PR3
Violet Moon, which is barely a month old is now PR1
How To is now PR2
Cheers guys, its time to celebrate!

If you live in Gensan or near it or anywhere in Mindanao, register now because only 100 slots will be given away. There is no registration fee. For information on how to register visit
MBS2 is made possible with the support of the following sponsors:
NOKIA (Philippines), Inc.
Mayor Pedro B. Acharon, Jr.
Congresswoman Darlene Antonino-Custodio
ABS-CBN Regional Network Group
Mindanao Bloggers
Bariles Republic
ACLC-Skeptron Ventures, Inc.
Asia United Bank
Family Country Hotel & Convention Center
East Asia Royale Hotel
Digital Filipino
Pacific Seas Seafood Market
Shalom-Crest Wizard Academy
Generals Logimark Exponent
< Prints and You
Sta. Cruz Seafood, Inc.
Dellosa Design Builders, Inc.
I was scouting for new blogs to feature when I saw this wonderful lady Shengmarie
( I guess ladies with marie as their 2nd name are all wonderful, hep walang kokontra! hehehe) post about a place I know. Lake Sebu, summer capital of South Cotabato Mindanao.
Labels: blog featured, Dream weaver, weaving artist
I was EC dropping for my other blog when I accidentally saw something that interests me. It was about a discovery about a new type of coffee named "Kafe Balos" . Discovered in Mindanao, one of the world's most expensive and coveted kinds of coffee. It comes from an unusual source - the droppings of a nocturnal, cat-like animal called the palm civet. Wonderful to me because I'm proud to say that I'm from Mindanao, the largest island in the Philippines in terms of land area.
Learn more about the Mindanao Civet Coffee at Blagadagg!!!
Labels: Civet coffee, coffee, Discoveries, kafe balos, Mindanao
It has been a tradition to me to make a surprise present to my best friend and hubby every time we celebrate something ( not in particular birthdays c: ). And it has been about 4 months since he taught me of using the net to write anything and have fun while doing it here in my blogs c: Also i have gained a handful of friends and this is also my way of thanking him for being supportive in every way. I want to share the joy of greeting him first thing in the morning c:
Happy Birthday to our Dear Friend
Labels: Birthday greeting
1 ripe strawberry
1/2 tsp. baking soda
Here's how...
Labels: blog featured, strawberries, teeth
I received these two awards from Pchi and Berry c: Thanx pretty ladies for this wonderful awards c: I feel blessed with wonderful friends like you guys c:
Here are the rules:
1. Only 5 people are allowed to receive this award.
2. Four (4) of them are followers of your blog.
3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of the world.
4. You must link back to who ever gave you the award.
And now it's my turn to share this award ...... (drums roll.....)
This award goes to my blogger friends who have been there through thick and thin (and syempre yun ang nasa rules, following the rules). Namely... Berry and Pchi counted as 1 (syempre kayo din yun, pero you don't have to do this again c:) , Gem , Reana Claire, Summer and the 5th blogger is .... Tiffiney my new friend (love your name c:).
Labels: awards, kind blogger award, tag awards, tags
Yesterday my husband and I were checking out our old CD's to see which of them are still okay and which is going to the bin. When we accidentally saw my son Joshua's old video clips. This was taken when he was still one year and 3 months old.
My little boy likes to do things that involves fixing. He often sits beside his dad and hands him tools when he fixes an electric fan, his bike or anything that needs fixing. My husbands former boss who is like a mother to us has arrived from Canada and gave Josh a cute pasalubong, gift (souvenir)....

Labels: cool stuff, Musings
Labels: baby pic, wordless wednesday
1. Earning money by writing about different new products or so...
(although a lot of people don't even know this) only the bloggers know about it.
2. Meet new friends from all over the globe without moving from your place (in front of the computer). c:
3. Travel to other places all over the world without walking from where you are sitting.
4. Know other peoples culture and language.
5. Know just about anything just by typing and searching through the net.
6. You get to pour out your thoughts without people criticizing your views. Gem and Berry says other wise and I believe it's true too c:.
7. You get to chat and discuss things with your fellow bloggers c:
8. You meet new friends with the same interests as your own c:
9. You meet new friends with different views of life, exciting though c:
For my hubby Pastilan who I consider a computer wiz because he has the passion to learn about computers and crafts around it eventhough it is not his major c: hehehe Proud of you dad and you deserve this award too c: mwa,mwa,mwa!!!
And to Berry a SUPERWOMAN and a friend to me and to a lot of people because of her Heart to help other people earn money,without expecting anything in return and rejoices with them when they got what they needed c: hug,hug,hug!!! c: You inspire me and you deserve this award a thousand times c:
Both of you are parts of my list too c:

Do you know any bloggers that kick ass?
Whatever the reason may be, I’m sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass. Well… why not tell ‘em so?
* Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
* Let ‘em know via email, twitter or blog comments that they’ve received an award
* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to :
* Pass it on!
To get the code for the image you can go back to - don’t forget to link up the person who nominated you for the Kick Ass Blogger Club.
Of course I do know a couple of 'Kick Ass Bloggers' and here are five of them:
(As I've said the 2 persons above is part of my list and the reasons I have said already...)
Say Cheezee - who makes me laugh of the articles he features on his/her blog (gender I don't really know) c:
Caram of Carambolage - who stumbled in my blog and is an arist in his own craft...became my new friend and one of the reasons was blogging. He writes without any pretentions and that's a plus factor that's why I like his blog c:
Maricris of Zen Ventures - who never gives up despite of the ups and downs of life and inspires me because of that.She has this wonderful creations she sells in her blog c: ...check it out c:
Tiffiney of My Southern, Hippie, Married, Mom Of Four Life!! - a mom blogger I met in Mom Bloggers Club who inspires me of her life and her beautiful family c: keep it up sis! c:
...and now it's your turn to share your awards to others and show how they inspire you c: ...
While blog hopping I stumbled into this cool blog owned by Kunthan .
I saw some of these cute,adorable and gorgeous dollies c:
Are they cool or what?!
The type that you'd collect c: I chose these 6 dolls...visit Kunthans blog to view more that you would like as well c:
Labels: collection, cool stuff, dolls