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- Zen Ventures
- yeah right!
- Yanuar
- Violet Moon
- Thoughts From the Mrs.
- the Way of the Son of the Sea
- The Single Parent Talks
- The Jack of All Trades
- The blog Presher
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- Simple Delights
- Say Cheezee
- Samantha's Own
- Pupled Sky
- Pinay Chicken Heart
- Pigs Can Fly
- Pchi
- Nurse's Notes
- My Two Cents
- My Freedom Wall
- Mummy & Baby Moon
- Lingz. Spot
- Kunthan
- Kool Time
- Just the Tip of the Iceberg
- Jin of Watch On Line
- In Shadows
- G-aNnE's ViTa
- Funny Commercial
- Dreamer
- Cybermatic Pro
- Cidy
- Carambolage
- Berryblitz
- Ageless
Hi guys c:
Feel free to leave your comments c:

Face the World with a Smile :)

Face the World with a Smile :)

About Me

- iceah
- General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines
- A mom with a 3yr-old, long haired and cute smiling little boy. A wife to an art addict and a computer wiz hehe c: I want to share in this blog the amazing things, events and anything that amazes me in my life. I chose this name because this site will be filled with things that makes me say wow and I hope people who will read it will feel the same way too.I chose this expression because we often have a second look when we see people with great legs.My best friend thinks I have great legs, and that's another reason why I chose it. He also explained to me that a woman's legs could have a personality of their own and that it is possible to read a woman by the way her legs behave.Because of that he married me :p hehe. Feel free to comment on each post that interests you.
Palaging wordless ang Wednesddays nyo pero (tulad ng sinasabi nila) photos speak a million words!
This photo is speaking!
welcome back c:oo nga busy kasi c:
and true it does speak a thousand words and brings back memories as well c: