Plate numbers are very important to car owners, they are not only for legal purposes but also for expressing your being you. private number plates are status symbols, do you know that? If you have a custom plate number, thn you are not generic, you are something. So, you want to have your very own private number plates or personalised number plates? There is a sit that can help you along with that, it is This company is also known as "The Secret Kingdom". They have supplied thousands of private number plates to thousands of happy customers over the last decade. In their site, you can search for the perfect registration you have been looking for. All you have to do is enter search criteria (it could be 2 or 3 letters or you can try your initials, name, nickname or car model) and then hit the enter button. You can also make your own plate or sell an exixting number that you have. Check the site out and get your perfect registration now :)
Labels: registration number
Do you know what is the top job in Brazil? I guess almost any man would love to have this kind of job. This job fetches $2,000 a day and only one guy in Brazil has this job. Would you want to be the assistant of this guy? I guess you would especially after you know what kind of job it is. I guess you would like to know what this job is all about. Well, this guy's job involves painting the bodies of gorgeous women for the Carnival. Betto Almeida is the Mr. Lucky of Rio's Carnival. He is an artist and he gets to paint the body of those sexy Carnival dancers. "You wouldn't believe how many applications I get for an assistant," Almeida said in an interview. "But it's hard work, man. I take my job seriously." he added.
Labels: quips
Labels: best diet pills, diet pills
It has been raining for days now and the days are cold. I suddenly have a craving for this dish that is why I placed a recipe here. I got this directly from
Makes 4 servings
Categories : Filipino
You will need...
1 1/2 lb Pork riblets or pork ribs,
-country style,cut to pieces
5 c Water
4 md Tomatoes, sliced
1 md Onion, sliced
1 1/2 ts Salt
1 md Icicle radish, cut into
-1″ pieces
-(or 10 red radishes, pared)
1/4 lb Green beans
1/2 lb Spinach (or cabbage,
-mustard greens or
5 md Sampaloc (tamarind)
-[available as powdered pkg]
2. Optional: Remove tamarind and mash with some broth. Strain juice back into pot.
3. Taste for seasoning. Bring to a boil. Add green beans and radish. for 10 minutes.
4. Add spinach, cover and remove from heat. Let stand 5 minute to finish cooking spinach.
Variations: Beef (stewing, brisket, shank or plate) may be used in placeof pork. Adjust cooking time for each.
Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 1 hour, 15 minutes Serves: 4
Recipes by Dennis Santiago
Labels: favorite recipes, food
The internet is a very rich source of information. There are many websites that can help people who need information. I came upon a website that is full of articles written by experts in different fields. It is obvious that this site exists to help people quickly find information on a wide range of life topics. So say for example you are looking for some home inspection tips, then if you go to this site you'll surely find a very good article that will help you take the proper steps that will help succeed in buying your new home.
Labels: websites
Are You Tired of the Costly Cable Charges?
2 comments Posted by iceah at Saturday, February 21, 2009Labels: puppets
Sex offenders are among the most dangerous criminals because they destroy live, they destroy the future of people they abuse. A child or a teenager who is experiences being abused sexually will be marked for life, the psyche of that child will forever be scarred. As parents, we must always be on the look out for these sex offenders. Because of the ever growing population in the cities where we live, it is not easy for us to immediately know if a sex offender is somewhere lurking a few blocks away from where we live, just waiting for a victim. We parents must be very vigilant to keep our children safe from sex offenders. It is good that there is Sex Offender Look up, a website that helps find local sex offenders. With this site, it would be easy to know if there is a sex offender living in your area, all you have to do is enter your zip code and click the button "Search now". You can then view detailed predator reports, view photos of nearby offenders, or even obtain their names and addresses. There is also an option that allows you to search by state.
Labels: track sex offenders, websites
I was visiting my followers in my other blog when I chanced on this wonderful post on communication. I want to share it around and I hope it would help you too as much as it has reminded me c: I got this post from Shasha of Ako...I...IO Thanx for this post dear I so love it c:
Labels: Secrets of good Communication
You Are a Bran Muffin |
Some people have accused you of being all work and no play. And that does describe you most of the time. You are very career oriented. When you're not working making money, you're working to improve yourself. You have very little room in your life for fluff. You want to live as good of a life as possible. You are competitive and driven. You like to surround yourself with other motivated people. While you are a go-getter, you are by no means self centered. Quite the opposite. You are a caring, together, and stable friend. You are grounded enough to be there for people. |
Labels: personality
It is every young family's dream to finally own a home but with the rising cost of living today, it seems more difficult to own a home. A family who has a home of their own can have peace of mind but the sad fact is that most families have no choice but to rent. But rent prices are also on the rise and most families are spending almost a third of thier income for the rentals. With the present economic crisis and prices of commodities rising, it seems that a dream home is becoming more and more impossible to have. But fortunately, there are companies that can provide programs that would help young families realize their dream home. I was surfing the net when I came upon a website that offer two ways that would help young families own homes. I got interested so I read up about what they have to offer. The site is, they can match you (if you intend to buy a home) with a rent to buy or vendor finance arrangement that fits your requirements. They will put you into your new home with as little money down as possible and at a monthly payment you can afford. This is way much better than renting a place to live in. The beauty of vendor finance purchase is that the seller takes part in financing the home and and buyer can take advantage of the lower down payment (and there are times that the seller require no down payment) to buy their home faster and stop wasting money away on rent. works to match sellers with buyers. If you are a buyer, you'd find out that you'll benefit much from their vendor finance. If you are a seller, you'll also find it easier to sell your property easily in this time of economic downturn because of their seller finance program.
Labels: money, real estate, vendor finance
Labels: favorite pics, wordless wednesday
Credit cards are sure good to have but if you are not careful, you'll end up being burried in debt. when I first using credit cards, I did not really keep track of my spending nor the hidden weight on the pocket that credit cards could give. I never thought that interest rates could pile up on you if you are not careful. Good thing I realized early that there was something wrong with my spending andI could remedy it if I switch to low interest credit card. So I started to compare credit cards and found out that I could save a lot if I choose the right card for me. I am also thankful that I came upon, I was able to compare the best credit card offers from the comfort of my own home. I was also able to find zero percent interest credit card through It is very easy to compare low interest rate credit card online with's online card comparison tools. Now with I am no longer confused of the many rewards, low interest rate, balance transfer cards when I shop for a credit card online.
Labels: credit cards
You Were an Active Kid |
When you were a kid, you were happy as long you didn't have to sit still. You were very hyper, and it was hard for you to sit through class or finish your homework. It's likely that you were a natural athlete and a natural entertainer. You loved to play outside with your friends. You were an outgoing, popular kid. Put you in a sports game or a school play, and you really shined. |
Labels: personality
It is really nice to be able to connect with different people from all over the world. No matter how different in culture we may be, we sure could find something that could connect us. It could be hobbies, music, art, or anything that encompasses culture. Well, I found a website that provides 100% Free Anime Chat. Yes, people who love anime (who doesn't?) can now connect with each other and share the joy of anime. You can be your favorite anime character and chat with others from around the world; see them in your screen via their web cam, and they can also see you in your webcam. Chat sites like Free Anime Chat can provide us with the chance to meet good friends online who could well become your friends for life.
Labels: chat, website reviews
You Are 12% Hypochondriac |
While your physical health isn't always perfect, you don't freak out about it. You know there's only so much you can do, and worrying doesn't change anything. |
Labels: about me
Seeing in the dark or seeing through fog, thick smoke, or heavy rain is impossible. But with our modern technology, it is now possible to have an eye that allows us to see in almost any condition, whether it in in the dark, in too much light, or when there are things that obscure our view. There are gadgets now that allow us to see in the dark like night vision goggles. There are also gadgets that "see" thermal signatures in any light condition like the Raytheon Thermal Imagers. This gadget uses thermal imaging to provide usable thermal imagery under almost every natural and man-made obscurant - day or night. This can detect temperature differences by emitting infrared (IR) energy (heat) at differing rates and displays them as a picture of the viewed scene. Anyone have have this kind of gadget now, just try visiting and see their wide range of Night Vision products that are in price ranges that will give you a great deal.
Labels: gadgets, night vision
Labels: wordless wednesday
There are times when we really want to express ourselves on whatever issues we feel like talking about. we often express opinions and ideas, no matter how strong they are, in our blogs. But isn't better to have a free speech zone where everyone can debate topics? Yeah, debate is always very good when it is well moderated. Now I have found a perfect place for people who love argumentation and debate, it is a potlicial discussion forums, the name is no other than Check it out and have a good place to lodge your views; it is always good to have an exchanging of views and ideas on matters that concern us.

Labels: amazing works, Christmas trees
Beginning in the last decade, digital cameras have become more and more affordable and many people are becoming artists in their own way. The art of photography has become the art of thousands of common people like you and me. Because digital cameras have become ubiquitous, common people have also began to discover the innate photographer in themselves. If we scour the internet for images taken by people with their digital cameras, we will be amazed at the sheer number of talented individuals out there who are able to capture moments and things that could look commonplace to those who have no eye for photography but they come out like magic in our computer screens because they see that exact moment to click the shutter. If you think you have the artist in you, why not start thinking about having your own digital camera? I came upon 42nd Street Photo's Google Page, there I found these cool nature pics that really inspired the artist in me. After seeing the images they have in that page I started to think that probably I can take good nature images too. I love nature and I love photography, that's all there is to need to start! 42nd Street Photo is a popular online camera store located in the heart of New York City.provide an online store for digital camera sales. They have more than four decades of history providing some of the best customer service in the business. If you want to start out with photography, now's the right time to check them out and be inspired.
Labels: digital photography