I think that’s just nasty! If I were Eminem, I would press sexual assault charges against Sasha and then sue him for every cent. If Eminem were a woman it would have been a horrific sex crime. As a guy Eminem could have kicked this dude’s butt if he wasn’t famous and on tv but then would have been sued by the never funny Sasha for everything he had and had assault charges brought on him. But when a dude shoves his private parts in your face? That’s unacceptable and it’s assault. It’s not a joke. It’s not funny. This guy should be brought to justice. Otherwise we are saying this type of behavior is okay. Or maybe Eminem was just “asking for it,” right? His lips were saying No but his eyes said Yes…This is a sexual assault and it should be treated as such. MTV should be ashamed for allowing this. Who would expect to be assaulted at an awards show? If this goes unpunished, I think celebrities will think twice about attending MTV awards. You might get assaulted if you attend.
A mom with a 3yr-old, long haired and cute smiling little boy. A wife to an art addict and a computer wiz hehe c: I want to share in this blog the amazing things, events and anything that amazes me in my life. I chose this name because this site will be filled with things that makes me say wow and I hope people who will read it will feel the same way too.I chose this expression because we often have a second look when we see people with great legs.My best friend thinks I have great legs, and that's another reason why I chose it. He also explained to me that a woman's legs could have a personality of their own and that it is possible to read a woman by the way her legs behave.Because of that he married me :p hehe. Feel free to comment on each post that interests you.
I think that’s just nasty! If I were Eminem, I would press sexual assault charges against Sasha and then sue him for every cent. If Eminem were a woman it would have been a horrific sex crime. As a guy Eminem could have kicked this dude’s butt if he wasn’t famous and on tv but then would have been sued by the never funny Sasha for everything he had and had assault charges brought on him. But when a dude shoves his private parts in your face? That’s unacceptable and it’s assault. It’s not a joke. It’s not funny. This guy should be brought to justice. Otherwise we are saying this type of behavior is okay. Or maybe Eminem was just “asking for it,” right? His lips were saying No but his eyes said Yes…This is a sexual assault and it should be treated as such. MTV should be ashamed for allowing this. Who would expect to be assaulted at an awards show? If this goes unpunished, I think celebrities will think twice about attending MTV awards. You might get assaulted if you attend.
if this stunt was real (not staged), i think Eminem would have taken a few swings at Sacha Cohen